Our Vision Statement
The PSHE curriculum evolves constantly to be responsive to the needs of today’s pupils. We want our pupils to be prepared for the challenges they will face in life. Through learning about health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world, children are given opportunities to develop their skills in a safe environment enabling them to grow into confident, caring and respectful members of our community.
Jigsaw in the Digital Classroom
At Mount Stewart we continue to prioritise teaching the relationships and health curriculum remotely.
We use Jigsaw as a resource to deliver a mindful approach to P.S.H.E. We have adapted our Jigsaw lessons so that we can facilitate learning in the digital classroom.
Lessons continue to be structure around:
"Connect Me"
"Calm Me"
"Open My Mind"
"Let Me Learn"
We've adapted the "Connect Me" portion of lessons to allow for social and emotional interaction, digitally. Rather than small group tasks and movement; pupils take it in turns to share ideas, play word association games and add ideas about a concept to Padlets.
Calm Me is a time to practise breathing and visualisation techniques. During live sessions on Google Meets, teachers use the Jigsaw Chime and present calming images as prompts for visualisation. Pupils are guided through breathing techniques by the teacher and are encouraged to focus on how good it feels to be calm and how this is a positive foundation for learning.
We continue to explore themes during the "Open My Mind" part of the lesson. Videos, photos and case studies are shared on screen in the Google Meets session and pupils are given the opportunity to discuss their thoughts and feelings. We continue to use the Jigsaw Charter to encourage pupils to be compassionate, take turns and use kind vocabulary.
"Let Me Learn" is the part of a Jigsaw lesson that encourages pupils to challenge prejudices and identify the feelings behind our actions. We support pupils in developing empathy for the experiences of others. At Mount Stewart, we continue this approach in the digital classroom through open discussion with our live sessions. Class teachers use questioning and responses to address misconceptions. After the lesson, pupils may upload their independent work and teachers give feedback to encourage further progress; using tools such as "Mote" to give voice notes as well as written comments.
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