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Mount Stewart Infant School home page

Mount Stewart
Infant School

Child Protection

All staff are aware that they may see a member of the safeguarding team to discuss any concerns regarding Child Protection/Safeguarding even if the issue seems ‘low level’. Where there is information causing sufficient concern, the matter is discussed between the Safeguarding team to decide if other agencies such as Social Services should be informed of the matter. Where appropriate, parents are informed if the school decides to make a referral to Social Services. In line with their procedures, Social Services may instruct the school that parents should not be informed in particular cases. The school follows Social Services advice with regards to referrals and information sharing.


Child Protection training is provided regularly for existing staff and forms part of the induction process for all newly appointed staff.  Members of the safeguarding team attend briefings and forums organised by the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to receive up to date local information about child protection and safeguarding issues. They also attend training and conferences provided by experts in the field including the NSPCC and the DfE.


All staff are familiar with Keeping Children Safe in Education 202which forms the basis of our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy.


Please click on the link to view the current Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy.


Parents can also access information to support their children and families via these websites:





PACE (Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation)

Positive Parenting